Early automobile history can be split into several eras, based on the prevalent means of propulsion. Later periods were defined by trends in exterior styling, size and utility preference.
In 1768 the first steam-powered automobile capable of human transportation was built by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot. In 1807, Francois Isaac de Rivaz designed the first car powered by an internal combustion engine fuelled by hydrogen.
In 1886 the first petrol or gasoline-powered automobile the Benz Patent-Motorwagen (or motorcar) was invented by Karl Benz. This is also considered to be the first production vehicle as Benz made several identical copies.
Jaguar Adaptive Cruise Control Radar
This is Jaguar Land Rover Adaptive Cruise Control Radar. It was one of the earliest forms of technologies, implemented as a world-first according to Jaguar, which integrated the self-driving car concept.
Adaptive cruise control or autonomous cruise control (ACC) is an optional cruise control system for road vehicles that automatically adjusts the vehicle speed to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead.
It uses neither satellite or roadside infrastructure nor any cooperative support from other vehicles. Hence control is imposed based on sensor information from on-board sensors only. Donated by Jaguar Land Rover